Church Announcements

Kirchliche Ankündigungen



The poster for the confirmation service has been designed with carefully selected elements to capture the symbolic significance of the Christian Pentecost. The bold red color symbolizes the workings of the Holy Spirit, while the majestic silhouette of a dove represents its presence. The bright yellow title "Confirmation Service" attracts attention through its clever arrangement. The modern, sans-serif font gives the poster a contemporary look, while the clear contrast between yellow and red enhances its visual impact.

Beneath the title, the date and location of the service are presented clearly yet discreetly, highlighting the central importance of the occasion and inviting the community to participate.

Thank you for exploring this captivating poster for our church announcements.
This is just the beginning of a series of thoughtful crafted designs. Stay tuned for more inspiring creations coming your way soon.


Bezirksamt Neukölln - illustration picture puzzle


Jr.Label - illustration